I wanted to make a calendar since I was a teenager, though then I did not have the artistic stamina and conviction to complete a project that large by January One. It wasn't until a meditation retreat in the spring of 2012 that a seed was planted in my mind about the primacy of the calendar as a way to guide and unfold your life.
The first complete calendar was made not by me but by my brother and his friend David. Once I saw that it could be done I facilitated a series of collaborative calendars from 2019-2023 with a deep dive into the conceptual restructuring of the calendar in 2020 with fellow artists Elsbeth(history, concept), Emma(botanical drawing, see below) and many others.
'24 and '25 have seen lightweight solo calendars and parallel play calendars by James and by Lily.
I encourage you to make your own calendar. Or use three calendars simultaneously.
You can also see and get my future calendar through my email list, or by checking back here in the fall.