Maybe it's that I am always writing that, despite the fact that I am first and forever a visual artist, books have snuck up on me as a common thread throughout my printmaking, illustration, text, and curatorial work.  I like them all from handsewn pamphlets, photocopied zines, to the one-only of the artist book or personal journal, and even, no enthusiastically yes to the mass produced multiple that travels continents and will one day be toilet paper.  I love weird comic books and flip books and children's pictures books and picture books that are actually only enjoyable for adults and crinkly fabric books for babies and those series of lawn sign books you sometimes see at libraries.  I love stolen paper back novels and when someone gives you back a book you bought them after they read it because you both know you really wanted to read it yourself.  I love exhibition catalogs and zines that go with rock shows and chapbooks and my swingline's long-arm stapler.   It's actually broken so please do get in touch if you know how to fix those things. (really!)
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